deAnna leads class into prasarita padottanasana c / side straddle forward folding
deAnna is one of those rare teachers whose knowledge on yoga is beyond belief. One Sunday morning she leads a class into prasarita padottanasana c / side straddle forward folding.

Grace and Strength. the wild thing / camatkarasana
We owe so much to Melissa for her consistent yoga practice, for enthusiastically bringing friends to class, for dedication to yoga. Rare beauty and kindness both inside and outside.
Camatkarasana is a pose that is widely known as Wild Thing or Rockstar. Do you see it in the pose?
Alex does one legged crow / eka pada bakasana in the background. It was not a set up but this came out as one of my very favorite for its grace and strength.

Bye for now but never Bye forever. Going away party
Andy came to us with his brother's recommendation. He became an amazing backbender (must be in the blood, his brother Robin has a great back bending as well). This was taken during his going away party one evening for he got a great job in the midwest. We do miss Andy.

Dan does chin stand / ganda bherundasana
Yogis come in many sizes and shapes, Dan came with great potential. We appreciate Melissa for introducing him to our yoga. Whenver you step into the studio (from tiled floor to bamboo floor, you can appreciate the exact straight line between them for his precision cut)

Adda Baddha Padmasana = half lotus
Susie gives one the best adjustment. What a treat!

Floating Lotus / Tolasana
Just goofing around in lotus floating / Tolasana. Don't we look like a new casting members for the Matrix the movie? :)

Todd, Muscle Car and Yoga

dwi pada sirsasana = legs over head
Rika has been leading Ashtanga Mysore class every Saturday at 8:15AM. Such dedicated yogis join Ashtangis.

William does Bakasana / crow.
William came to us after learning about us (then just me Jonas). He told me he would come, but when I saw him (at my house, yes we started yoga at my loft with a few yogis) it caught me by surprise. Ever since then he has been one of more consistent yoga practitioners. It makes me so happy to see him class after class see him grow. Keep your great work William.

Drop back to Wheel / Urdhva Dhanurasana
a little help goes a long way. already and all she needed is a bit of safety net. Sometimes that is all we need.

Sky is Limit at Second Side Yoga
Kat is on her beautiful Crow / Bakasana (Kakasana) on John's back. Kat came to us aftering meeting two of our yogis Jules and Sierra on their vegan munching. She had been looking for a challenging yoga class and found it in us. Kat has introduced yoga to so many of her friends. Kat now is a proud teacher of yoga. We are so proud of her.

Half Moon / ardha chandrasana
our lovely yogis doing half moon / ardha chandrasana variation. What a happy energy in the room. Ever so grateful to have such warm hearted beautiful yogis.

Jessica on Stall Bar
We just installed a stall bar (Dan actually did while I was away). Jessica with amazing abs shows us how human flag is done :)

Dancer / Natarajasana
When I think of Sierra, an image of a little bird that flies free comest to me. Sierra does Dancer during one of our yoga on rooftop.

Baddha Padmasana / Bound Lotus
All comes with patience, a lot of it. Jonas does baddha padmasana / bound lotus

Grassy Sandals
What a feeling walking on grass all the time :)

eka pada bakasana = one legged crow
Jules brought John like three years ago. I was new at teaching and he was new at yoga. We both have grown so much.

Forearm Stand / Pincha Mayurasana
deAnna is leading yogis into forearm stand / pincha mayurasana during her Sunday class.

Peacock / mayurasana = king of poses
Daniel came with strong practice already with so much more potential to go further. With a consistent practice he now has wonderful practice yet still keeping his humbleness. A great teacher in the making.

A girl with many talents
Susan does Kapotasana AKA king pigeon. Susan is one of those quietly talented yogis. Among many talents are crazy backbending and video making :)

AcroYoga at Second Side
Max & Lix lead energetic spunky fun AcroYoga classes

Ty helps with tictoc
Ty Landrum's workshop was a blast and filled with great information.
IMAGES OF YOGIS: Photos are a great visual way to document our progress.All photos in our gallery are actual yoga practitioners of SECOND SIDE YOGA. All images are copyrighted by Jonas Park. www.jonaspark.com